-BenLim- What Makes A Man A man
The day I thought I'd never get through, I got over you
About Me
- Name: BenLim
- Location: Gardens!!!, Singapore
Goes to school, study, joke, laugh at people, being laugh at, builled by people, bully own classmate, play, argue, But I have never fought.
Friday, October 26
Nothing really happen today beside getting back my report book. Failed 3 subjects which are a maths, combine humanities and my mother tongue... But i improve from my mid year examination! By 3 marks! HAH! Beat that! Having this fucking irritating sore throat.. Speaking like some idoit that have no voice at all!!! Damn! Up there are some of the photos back than in the steamboat coffee shop and kamal's house visit
Monday, October 22
Sunday, October 21
Best day ever!!
In the beginning of today, It just suck. have my tennis training and i was almost dead. Wasn't able to walk properly after much of that ''hell physical''. But I have to push myself, push as hard as i can in order to keep myself fit. Have been slacking for the past 3 weeks and no wonder i have been feeling so weak.
After the tennis training, I receive this message from Kamal. I thought i was too late to reply but i was not. It was quite fun there and the food there was just too good to be said. For the rating of Kamal's mother cooking, i would rate it a perfect 10! awww just can't get enough of it. especially the chicken!!! Kamal's brother was quite noisy but he was cute overall. Had a great time today but i am really very shag.. Ta Ta
Friday, October 19
Everything you say is just so RANDOM!
Awesome day today!! Went out with Matthew, Jit Ren, kenneth, Bang Hur, Wayne for this steamboat dinner! $15 per person and i think it is super reasonable. We ate our ass off there. Matthew did something really hilarious, which is laughing and playing with his nipper. WAHAHAHA. Denying is not the right thing when everyone is looking at you. Came home at around 10. Wanted to collect all my pictures today but i think it is just too late. DAMN~
Wednesday, October 17
Damn parent are just so confusing!!
My parents always say that once after exam they will let us do anything we want. So we look forward for the days after the exam. But once exam finish, what do they do? THEY NAG AND NAG AND NAG AND NAG! Play a game less than 2hr and they start saying '' I DON'T WANT YOU TO PLAY GAMES FOR THE WHOLE DAY. SHUT IT DOWN NOW!'' Aren't parents contradicting, Tell me? IT is just so IRRITATING!
Tuesday, October 16
Stupid but Funny!

Saturday, October 13
Muffins, Muffins AND MORE MUFFINS!!
Just done making some EDIBLE muffins with my sister. It was not bad surprisingly!! I would rate it 7.5/10!! wahahaa if you wanna try some, maybe next time you just have to tell me earlier!! wahaahaha
Yesterday was the most no-life thing i ever did. And I am not proud to talk about it. But today it is going to be quite awesome as my family and I are going to my grandfather birthday dinner!! So chill Out!!
Tuesday, October 9
Seeing is Believing
Nothing much happen today beside leveling up by 6. Maths 2 was super easy probably score 40 and above =D and this will be able to pull up my maths 1 mark =D double toodles
Monday, October 8
Fart in my mouth and i will say it is awesome
Nothing really happen today. Went to J8 and walk around with Matthew, Jit Ren, Bang Hur, Kenneth, Shaun and Andre. Had a few good chat and laugh before we went back home. That's about it for today and tomorrow will be maths paper 2, the second last paper.
Sunday, October 7
Stupidity always means something meaningful
Gosh yesterday was like heaven and today it will be hell. Will be going to POA tuition and after that going straight to my grandmother's house. Nothing fun will be happening today beside playing maple with my friends.
Saturday, October 6
Today went to the lomo exhibition is it totally rock the house!! Didn't know why everyone hate Luke so much but who cares! Just mix with 2 new friends 1 call Misato(Andre's favourite) and the other is Karina. Was with Jit Ren, Kenneth, Bang Hur, Shaun,Misato and Karina and together we went to the lomo exhibition and met matthew and luke there.. AHhhhh totally awesome today and man u match today!! It is a totally must see match! I will be uploading more photos tmr took as many as 10 pictures today!
Friday, October 5
Thinking of the impossible will make it possible
today poa was kinda easy. and so was chemistry. After the exam i went to lan and wanted to play maple but there was a patch which took so long.. DAMN! Instead of maple, i played dota. Me and wayne's combo of lich and crystal maiden was just too good for the other team. We own!!
Thursday, October 4
I wanna be stronger than i was half a minute ago
Today the geography wasn't as hard as i expect it to be.. was able to write alot of crap and stuff. But i did not know how to do a few of the questions. FUCK geography. Physic was so-so but i think i can pass by quite a few marks!! POA may be ok.. But for chemistry i doubt so there is like tons of things to study!! Ark!! God Bless the Broken!
Wednesday, October 3
Phtographic memories
Today the first paper was social studies. I kinda write alot but was just in time to finish the paper. The math is very hard and i think i am gonna fail it. This is the first time i'm gonna fail my stupid maths paper! Damn IT!!!
Tuesday, October 2
Everything seems to be find but in fact it isn't
Today the chinese paper was a blow. The paper 1 letter writing was suppose to be writing a letter to ask the guy to make back the bus route. But instead i thought it was a bus stop and wrote everything wrongly. The composition, it just SUCK! i can't write anything in chinese! i have no idea how to write the word i want. As for the paper 2, Hopefully i will be able to pass! Got a feeling that i may be able to pass! Maybe i would just take CLB and i think it is a good choice after all!
After my exams, me, matthew, luke, bang hur, jit ren, kenneth,patrick and vikash went to hougang more to had our brunch. It was kinda find and i did not know that there is such thing as a PSP portable charger!! AWESOME! Didn't eat anything but drank bandong. After that we went to Gerete(however you spell it) and had the tinny winny waffle which cost me $4.60!! that was extremely a waste of my damn fucking money!! Gosh i am broke now