
I feel that I have drifted so far away from my secondary school friends. A moment ago, we were hanging out together at the next moment, POOF, we are all on different worlds. You have your own life and I have mine. It’s like we barely meet up anymore! As a matter or fact, I realised that some of my friends are treating me really differently from the day we first met. It’s not recently but it has been going for quite some time. I’m not sure if it is just me being overly sensitive but I really miss the good old times when we had fun and talked a lot. I would rather you being straight with me and tell me what I did wrong and what I should change rather than you being cold towards me. Being faced by a cold treatment really sucks. You have no idea what you did wrong and when you try to clarify, you get ignored. I really want to change to become a better person but first, I have to know what I have to change! Please help me. I don’t care if you’re going to embarrass me or what, just tell me how I can change!
Friends (generally), we used to text and talk to each other so much! And now, we’re drifted so far apart, so far to the extent that we have become acquaintance. Was it a misunderstanding? Was it something that I did? What did I do to make you behave like that? Sometimes, phone can really deceive a person. I sense biasness, I sense unfairness, but well, what can I do?
After my promos, instead of drawing a family tree, I think I should draw a friendship tree. From there, I think I will be able to figure out those who will stick with you when you’re experiencing trouble and those who will just disappear right after your studies. I would really want to see who are my true friends.
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