-BenLim- What Makes A Man A man

The day I thought I'd never get through, I got over you

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Location: Gardens!!!, Singapore

Goes to school, study, joke, laugh at people, being laugh at, builled by people, bully own classmate, play, argue, But I have never fought.

Monday, June 22

What's life

Sometimes I ponder. Why am I born in to this world? Is it for happiness? Is it for fun? Is it for work? Is it for studies? I really don't know.

It's really weird how you're trying so hard to be nice to other people but other people treats your just like a jerk. Whenever you tries to find out what have happened, they don't give a shit about you and they don't even bother to tell you anything. Whenever you ask a question, they think that you're trying to be funny but you're actually being serious. Whenever they go out, you have to be that idiot that ask where are they going. Whenever you need someone to talk to, they disperse away from you, leaving you alone to suffer in silence. Why do I have to be that bloody idiot that does this things? Why must I be that idiot that have to suffer in silence? Why must I be that idiot that finds himself lost? Why must I be that idiot than have to be the loser? I fear...

I don't want the other me to devour my current emotions.


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