Well, the picture tells a thousand words

Have been really worn out lately. I'm not really sure what's the reason though. The tennis season have been going pretty smoothly for us. =) So far, we have won VJC(4-1), NYJC(4-1) and NJC(5-0). Next match will be against MI. Everyone won them 5-0 or 4-1 so I suppose it's going to be an easy victory. We will be meeting CJC and HCI and an RJ in the quarters! Can't wait to play against CJC. I'll be able to meet all my Montfort friends! =D I HAVE TO FORGET WHAT RAJA SAID TO ME AND REMEMBER WHAT COACH SHAUN IS TEACHING ME!!!! Raja is bad.
From what I can see, it is really moving very smoothly for us now. She is messaging and talking to me very frequently now. Good sign I suppose.=) The best part is that she will be watching my match tomorrow and she wants me to sit beside her after my match! =D That's why I'm superbly happy now! =DDDDDD
I want my shoulder to cure instantly! I want to play tennis!!!!
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