Hohoho. I heard a 'SHOCKING' news from this morning's radio station. It was quite humourous. MAPLESTORY HAVE OFFICIALLY BEEN HACKED BY SOME CHINA DUDES! hahahahaha. They reported that some characters have been deleted including this teacher who spent close to $2k on his maplestory. MUAHAHHAHA IT'S JUST UNBELIEVABLE!!! They also said that when you are chatting, instead of alphabets coming out, it was all chinese characters! HAHAHA MAPLESTORY IS A JOKE NOW! OMggg. I'm so EVIL. *Evil-grin*
A maths was actually quite do-able. But I think I've screwed it up DAMN badly.. First of all, I didn't have time to complete. Second of all, I got the wrong answer for the simplest sum you can ever find in the A maths history. Thirdly, I didn't do some question that I know how to do. Damn!
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