-BenLim- What Makes A Man A man

The day I thought I'd never get through, I got over you

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Location: Gardens!!!, Singapore

Goes to school, study, joke, laugh at people, being laugh at, builled by people, bully own classmate, play, argue, But I have never fought.

Tuesday, April 8

School invasion!

It was the school invasion tour! I thought the whole school will be totally crazy about. But I was so wrong. It was a acoustic set so I can't blame that the environment wasn't there. Allura and West Grand Boulevard(or however you spell them) came. The female singer wasn't that bad "yo! how've you been doing doggg, yea. you were a little pitchy here and there yo.. you gotta work on that " haha. It was quite enjoyable to listen to local singing. Vernon A and Justin Ang was our host for the school invasion tour. They were quite funny though.

Damn! why do i keep forgetting to bring my camera when sometimes things are so rare?

Some adults are just so childish. Went to chomp chomp to buy dinner for my mum and myself. And this BMW versus a Lexus. I have no idea what was the conversation about. But I'm pretty sure that it was about the parking lot. They were arguing quite loudly and I over heard them saying that they were going to call the police to pursue this matter. It was totally unreasonable for them to call the police. Not as if the police have nothing better to do but to solve this stupid and minor stuff. Hmm. I can't blame them. They are Kiasu, Kiasi and whatever you can think of.


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